
Monday, 2 December 2013

A Biography on Alan Bagnall

Alan Bagnall is a very well known New Zealand author. He writes children books and poems. His work is aimed at an audience for children and sometimes adults too. Alan Bagnall was born in Lower Hutt on the 28th of December in 1940. He’s now 73 years of age and lives in Lower Hutt in Mahina Bay.

His favourite food is fried mush containing bacon, liver and tomatoes. He also likes to eat fresh apples and egg sandwiches. People call him Baggy because of his last name, Bagnall. A way he relaxes is through riding trains, bushwalking and gardening. When Alan Bagnall was at school he was very shy and he looked up to his Grandfather. He enjoyed arts and crafts and didn’t like dancing because he found it embarrassing.

Alan loved Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson when he was a child. If he could meet anyone from the past he’d want to meet one of those anonymous parents who made up nursery rhymes thousands of years ago.  His favourite author changes all the time but he admires Ezra Jack Keats and Barbara Kingsolver very much.

He wanted to be a writer so he could entertain classes as he taught his students. When children at school write he uses that time to write as well. Alan Bagnall likes to share his writing but one of the worst things about it is knowing that some people think it’s rubbish. If Alan wasn’t a writer he’d like to be a plumber. He helps them sometimes on drainage jobs.

Alan Bagnall said to people who want to make a career out of writing is to write for fun and to share with your friends. He said the best writing isn’t always appreciated by publishers because publishers are looking for stuff to sell. The best things in life don’t have a market value.


Mrs Dines said...

Great work Angela. Being able to shift from one form of writing is an important skill that will be very valuable to you at College.

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