
Friday, 5 April 2013

The Telephone Booth

Marley was stuck on a deserted and abandoned island trying to find a telephone booth to contact home. When she found the only one on the island she inserted a few coins and punched the numbers into the dial pad nervously. After five rings someone picked up on the other line. “Hello?” were the only words she heard before getting sucked down a hole making the rusty telephone booth collapse and fall after her.

Thud! Marley fell flat and was lying on the cold hard ground looking around her surroundings. It was all white and very bright. As she tried to find a way out she walked into a glass screen. Marley tumbled backwards and leaned back into the broken pieces of the telephone booth that got her stuck there in the first place. Marley tried banging on the glass screen and rolled into a tiny door at the end of a hallway. When she unlocked the door astronauts were floating around the atmosphere. Where was she? Was this space?

“I can’t” Marley choked her words out trying to breathe. A tall man dressed in a suit pushed a fishbowl on the top of her head. “Better?’
Marley nodded and asked the man how she could  get back to earth.
“You would have to find that telephone booth, put it back together and insert a few coins just like you did earlier”
“How did you know that?”
“Stop asking questions unless you want to be stuck here forever” He said then floated off.

Almost instantaneously, the door of the booth flew straight at her with the phone. She grinned and tried to find the other pieces. Near a ship she found the dial pad and the hood. All she needed were the sides of the booth and the coin inserter. Marley saw two aliens driving a space pick up shuttle and in the shuttle was the sides of the booth. She ran behind the vehicle but it was too fast for her dainty legs to follow. “Wait up!” She shouted and the shuttle stopped in front of her tracks. They threw the sides of the booth out which nearly crushed her. Marley mumbled a thanks and picked the pieces up. Now she needed to find that coin inserter then she would be fine.
“Looking for this?” The man from earlier laughed. Marley looked up at him and saw the coin inserter. She nodded and the man handed it to her then snatched it back. “This won’t be that easy” He whispered and chucked the coin inserter to an alien. The alien froze as Marley ran to snatch it off of it. “Yes, of course it won’t be easy” She told the man with sarcasm.

Marley assembled all  the pieces together and it stood up almost straight like the leaning tower of Pisa. Getting out two coins she put them in the booth and dialled away. She got sucked down a hole and she had a sudden sense of  deja vu. When Marley landed back on her feet guess where she ended up? That abandoned island that got her into this mess in the first place.


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